Boston Appraisal Services

Commercial Appraisals

Investment property appraisal for AS-IS and AS-REPAIRED values
Commercial Appraisals, Special Blogs

Investment Property Appraisal: Understanding AS-IS and AS-REPAIRED Values

When looking to invest in a property, particularly one that is run down and in need of renovation, there is always a need to define current and potential values. Investment property appraisal can be instrumental in defining AS-IS value and AS-REPAIRED value, which consequently enable investors to get an important insight into the future potential […]

Cost comparison between commercial and residential appraisals
Special Blogs, Commercial Appraisals

Understanding the True Cost of Commercial Appraisals Compared to Residential: Key Factors Revealed

If you are someone who has ever needed a real estate appraisal, you might have noticed quite a big difference in the cost between residential and commercial appraisals. While both serve the same basic purpose, that of valuing real estate properties, it should be noted that the cost of commercial appraisals will often be significantly

Mixed-use development appraisal showcasing residential, commercial, and industrial components.
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals, Special Blogs

Mixed-Use Development Appraisal: Challenges and Opportunities for Real Estate Professionals

Discover the intricacies of mixed-use development appraisal. Learn about challenges, valuation techniques, and opportunities in real estate for appraisers and developers. Mixed-Use Development Appraisal is the foundation of accurately assessing properties that blend residential, commercial, and industrial components. These dynamic developments redefine urban planning but come with unique challenges and significant opportunities. Appraisers play a

Challenge appraisals with effective strategies for lawyers
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals, Real Estate Tips, Residential Appraisals

How to Challenge Appraisals: Effective Strategies for Lawyers and Clients

Learn how to challenge appraisals, resolve appraisal disputes for lawyers, and defend appraisal reports effectively. Master how to review appraisals with our expert strategies Challenge Appraisals are a critical aspect of ensuring fairness and accuracy in real estate transactions, litigation, taxes, and estate planning. For lawyers, navigating appraisal disputes requires a deep understanding of valuation methods

Understanding Capitalization Rates, Interest Rates, and Yield Rates in Real Estate Valuation
Real Estate Tips, Commercial Appraisals, Special Blogs

Capitalization Rates, Interest Rates, and Yield Rates: A Real Estate Valuation Guide

Capitalization rates in real estate are among the most critical metrics investors use to evaluate property value and potential returns. Real estate investing isn’t as simple as buying a property and waiting for its value to grow. Understanding key financial concepts like capitalization rates in real estate, interest rates, and yield rates is essential for

Solar panels and property value;
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals, Sustainability, Trends

Solar Panels and Property Value Appraising Green Buildings Effectively

Solar panels and property value are at the forefront of green building trends. Explore how these eco-friendly features enhance property value, appraisal processes, and sustainability benefits. From eliminating disposable straws to banning single-use plastic bags, reducing human impact on the environment is at the forefront of many citizens’ minds in recent years. As a result,

Appraiser analyzing property data for comparable sales.
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals, Development

Comparable Sales Analysis: Understanding Units of Comparison in Appraisals

Comparable Sales Analysis forms the foundation of property appraisals, offering a structured approach to valuing properties based on market data. Appraisals express value as the monetary relationship between properties and those who buy, sell or use those properties, as defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice(USPAP). Fundamental to appraisal practice is the idea of

Boston skyline with rental properties affected by eviction legislation
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals, Property Management, Real Estate Tips, Trends

Boston Just Cause Eviction: Impact on Real Estate and Tenants

Boston Just Cause Eviction proposals have been at the center of debates since 2015, with implications for tenants, landlords, and the city’s real estate market. These legislative efforts aim to extend renters’ rights while balancing the concerns of property owners. Since 2015, legislative officials of Boston have been developing legislation concerning residential evictions in the

Economic factors affecting real estate in New England, including employment and living costs.
Commercial Appraisals, Development, Property Management, Trends

How Economic Factors Affect Real Estate in New England (2019)

Economic factors affecting real estate in New England play a crucial role in shaping the region’s property markets. In 2019, the demand for residential and commercial real estate in New England was driven by key economic elements such as employment rates, wage growth, cost of living, and shifting lifestyle trends. While national economic conditions influence

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