
Investment property appraisal for AS-IS and AS-REPAIRED values
Commercial Appraisals, Special Blogs

Investment Property Appraisal: Understanding AS-IS and AS-REPAIRED Values

When looking to invest in a property, particularly one that is run down and in need of renovation, there is always a need to define current and potential values. Investment property appraisal can be instrumental in defining AS-IS value and AS-REPAIRED value, which consequently enable investors to get an important insight into the future potential […]

A professional real estate appraiser conducting an estate appraisal in Massachusetts.
Real Estate Appraisal, Real Estate Tips

Estate Appraisals in Massachusetts: A Comprehensive Guide for Probate and Tax Planning

When a family member passes away, his or her relatives can be overwhelmed quickly. Not only are they grieving, but they must also take care of the legal obligations and paperwork necessary to settle the deceased’s estate. And because real estate properties are usually the most significant financial asset of the deceased, establishing their fair

Boston Real Estate Appraisers
Commercial Appraisals, Development, Real Estate Appraisal, Trends

Eminent Domain Issues in Massachusetts & New England

What is the process when private real estate is needed for public projects? ‘Eminent domain’ is the label frequently used to describe that process, and its basis lies in the U.S. Constitution. All U.S. states, including Massachusetts, have their respective statutes regarding the state taking private real property. Although eminent domain’s application has expanded in

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