Boston Appraisal Services

Commercial Appraisals

Cost approach diagram illustrating valuation methods in real estate appraisals.
Commercial Appraisals, Development, Property Management

The Cost Approach: Examining an Important yet Sometimes Irrelevant Appraisal Method

Cost approach in real estate appraisal is a critical method for determining property value. As part of standard practice, most commercial lenders require all three valuation methods—sales comparison approach, income approach, and cost approach—to be considered during an appraisal. However, this method is sometimes deemed unnecessary, sparking debates between lenders and appraisers. This article explores […]

Market Analysis Section in Real Estate Appraisals
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals, Development, Property Management, Real Estate Tips

Market Analysis: Why This Might be the Most Important Section in an Appraisal

Market Analysis in appraisals plays a pivotal role in determining property value. This essential section of an appraisal report not only influences a property’s value but also provides priceless insights into financial feasibility. Many readers tend to skip the Market Analysis and focus solely on the value estimate, missing critical data that could benefit owners,

Sustainable strategies to enhance commercial real estate value
Real Estate Tips, Commercial Appraisals, Development, Sustainability

Boost Commercial Real Estate Value with Proven Sustainable Practices

Commercial real estate sustainability is essential for maximizing returns on your next development, renovation, or management project. By implementing sustainable strategies, you can enhance property value while benefiting human health and the environment. If you’re planning your next development, considering strategies for an upcoming renovation, or managing an existing build, how can you maximize the

Strategies to Boost the Value of Commercial Real Estate Investments
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals, Finance

7 Proven Strategies to Increase the Value of Commercial Real Estate Investments

Boosting commercial real estate value is essential for maximizing your returns when exiting your investments. By implementing these 7 proven strategies, you’ll be well on your way to a profitable project conclusion. Essential avenues for improving value include increasing demand, boosting income, lowering expenses, and reducing risk. The following approaches make sense in nearly any

An appraiser evaluating property condition and income potential for accurate valuation.
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals, Finance

Balancing Property Condition and Income Approach for Accurate Valuations

Balancing property condition and income approach is essential for accurate valuations. Appraisers must carefully assess both factors to determine a property’s true market value. Adjusting for condition isn’t something that most appraisers love to do, as it involves extensive research to estimate how physical improvements impact value. Adjusting for condition isn’t something that most appraisers

Highest and best use analysis for commercial and residential properties
Real Estate Appraisal, Commercial Appraisals

Unlocking Value: The Importance of Highest and Best Use in Commercial & Residential Appraisals

How do you know if you’re making the most money possible from a property? Are you getting the greatest economic and functional value from your investment? How will the long-term value of the property be affected by zoning changes, new developments, and the usages of surrounding properties? Highest and best use analysis considers these issues

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